The Cost of a Healthy Diet

There is a stigma that eating healthy costs more. This is highly dependent on your situation and what you take into account for cost. If you are eating at restaurants regularly, you will find that it can cost substantially more and is not necessarily faster than...

Taking Control of Your Diet

Taking control of your diet is crucial to you self esteem, your body image, and your long term health. There are a couple of points that need to be clarified before we dig into how to take control. You can not lose fat in a particular area by doing certain exercises...

Scale for Accuracy

When keeping track of the food you are eating it is imperative to weigh it. Think of nutrition labels more like guidelines. There is uncertainty in food label accuracy since the way food is processed will alter how many calories your body absorbs. Add to this the fact...

How to Run Further

We received a question from Sean L. this week, “How do I run further? I’ve been running on a treadmill at the gym and have started running outside but I just can’t seem to increase my distance past 2 miles.” This question hits on several...

Don’t Be a Swinger

I’m not talking about the lifestyle. I’m talking about the poor weightlifting technique. Whenever you swing or use momentum to lift weights, you are cheating. Rather than necessarily being a bad thing, this is a technique used to perform reps after you...

If You Could Only Change One Thing With Your Diet

What should it be? For the large majority of the U.S. it would be eat more fruits and vegetables. If you look at most meals in the U.S. there is an abundance of  highly processed foods. These foods are typically high in salt, digest quickly, and are addictive. The...

Track Your Workout

In order to track your progress you need to record your results. There are a plethora of tools available. The tried and true pen and paper can be incredibly effective since you can record it exactly as you like. An advantage to digital tools is their ease of...

Three Keys to a Healthier Diet

It should be simple. It needs to be simple. Yet 52% of Americans believe doing their taxes is easier than figuring out how to eat healthfully. Now maybe some people just have really easy taxes or 52% of their sample size were tax accountants. Either way, if people...

Example Workout Selection

What workout should I do? This is one of the most common and loaded question in the fitness industry. Even for one person this can vary dramatically. It’s dependent on current fitness level, injuries, age, and more. Here is an individuals selection based on...